About Discernment
In January of 2024 our three parishes entered into a shared discernment process. This involves private prayer and group reflection as we learn to listen for the voice of the Spirit together. Eventually this shared prayer will shift focus, drawing on our shared foundation we will take up the question of where God calls us as a family of parishes. This work is done with the full support of our respective parish councils, pastors and lay pastoral ministers. This type of prayerful leadership is an example of the Synodality that Pope Francis has called the whole church to embrace. Our experience of discernment is rooted in Ignatian Spirituality, a gift of the Jesuits to our parishes.
Participation in this process was open to our broader parish communities, but only a small number could commit to the full year-long process. We entrust these discerners with the question of where God might be calling us forward together.
As these groups of committed individuals work through the process of developing a shared prayer language, they have discovered meditations and prayers that they think might be helpful for all our parish. Please use these resources to pray alongside those discerning for our parishes.
Those formally in the process who want to access the weekly prayer guide, or those who are praying alongside the designated discerners follow this link.