St. Ignatius and the Jesuits
St. Ignatius was a 16th century saint whose life resulted in the founding of the Society of Jesus, aka the Jesuits. The gifts of St. Ignatius' spiritual journey were captured and passed down through a retreat manual called The Spiritual Exercises.
The Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius were originally designed to be a 30 day retreat, broken down into 4 weeks with their own themes. Though Jesuits and lay people today still make the 30 day retreat, and some make shorter 8 day retreats, many of us look to individual exercises and meditations to learn a different way to pray in our ordinary life.
See below for a brief summary of each "week."
Ignatian spirituality is important for all three members of the Historic 24th Street Family. St. Benedict's history includes a time as a Jesuit parish, as St. John's continues to be. The Jesuits from Creighton University have assisted in providing sacramental ministry and accompaniment for all three parishes. Many local spiritual directors and retreat facilitators (within and beyond our parishes) have been formed in Ignatian Spirituality through Creighton's Christian Spirituality Program.
The Spiritual Exercises guide our process of discernment as we learn to listen to the different spirits at work in our hearts.

Week 1: Loved Sinners
Week 1 invites us to see ourselves as God's beloved ones. From this place we gain the courage to face those parts of our lives and ourselves that have not responded to God's love. This week is marked by joy, acceptance and contrition.
Week 3: The Way of the Cross
Week 3 invites us to consider the cost of discipleship. We walk with Jesus in the consequences of proclaiming God's Kingdom of love and mercy. We seek to stand with Jesus, knowing the cost, in the details of our own lives.
Week 2: Discipleship
Week 2 invites us to journey with Jesus in the path of discipleship. We seek to know him more deeply through the stories of his own life and ministry, as well as his companionship in our life as disciples.
Week 4: Resurrection
Week 4 invites those who have said yes to the cross to also share in the joy of the resurrection. This week reminds us that death and sacrifice are not the end, but the beginning of a new way of being.