God = Grace at Work
Discernment of Spirits Continues Always
This week the considerations remain the Gospel passages for the Church’s Daily Mass. A reminder that these are available on-line at USCCB.org or possibly your parish’s bulletin gives the citations and you can read them from your own Bible as cited. If you need help on this consult your group leader.
The GRACEs for the Week are that your Baptismal graces of knowledge and piety (holiness) that the Spirit of God poured into the Church at Pentecost and the Church gave you in Baptism and Confirmation will be active and observable to you this week as you look to recognize more deeply the Spirit of God working in you and the spirit of the enemy of human happiness (sometimes called evil or the devil) also at work.
Spend the examens of the week focusing on these spirits and how they work in your personality and life.
Each day re-read and think about Ignatius rule one (hand-out from last general sessions). Paragraphs 313 and 314.
Lord, you will open my lips; and my mouth will proclaim your praise. For you do not desire sacrifice or I would give it; a burnt offering you would not accept. My sacrifice, O God, is a contrite spirit; a contrite, humbled heart, O God, you will not scorn.
- Ps 51:17-19
In your prayer review (at the end of your prayer consider these or similar questions:
What are the indications in your own life that you are generally seeking God, goodness and real love?
What are your personal goals?
How are you in relationships (giving or more selfish).
How do you spend the time not required for sleep or work?
Do you eat healthily, refrain from excessive alcohol or mood-altering drugs that are not prescribed or indulge in behavior that is more destructive?
Are you attentive to those who love you and you love?
Do you notice with compassion those who are suffering or struggling with their lives?
Are you generally in a good mood, or do you allow yourself to be angry and depressed?
Do you waste time on the computer?Do you watch TV that is violent?
Ask God to help you to see better the ORDINARY ways you respond to things? Do you generally tell the truth? Look for the good in people? Assume good will in other people’s actions to you?
If one or more of these questions bring a more negative answer it is a good time to ask God to help you understand why, and to ask God’s help in changing your ordinary responses .
Then in your daily examens explore whether you are being attentive to the graces you have asked for.
When you notice a pattern pray for the grace to work on it with God’s help. Then through the week bring this to your prayer and your examen.
We will continue to work on these “rules” in the coming weeks of late spring and early summer because they are the same Spirits that you will discover in your interactions with the groups over group discernment.
Continue to do repetitions and both the prayer with Scripture and the prayers of Examen (2 times per day) and journal them carefully. Talk frequently to Jesus, to the Spirit or the Father, or you one of your favorite saints, It is important to participate in the Eucharist each week.