God's Plan is Mysterious
We Can Choose to Accompany Jesus Wherever, or Not to
Now Peter was sitting outside in the courtyard. One of the maids came over to him and said, “You too were with Jesus the Galilean.” But he denied it in front of everyone, saying, “I do not know what you are talking about!”As he went out to the gate, another girl saw him and said to those who were there, “This man was with Jesus the Nazorean.” Again he denied it with an oath, “I do not know the man!” A little later the bystanders came over and said to Peter, “Surely you too are one of them; even your speech gives you away.” At that he began to curse and to swear, “I do not know the man.” And immediately a cock crowed.
Matt 26:69-74
Prayer this week is to help us notice when God is inviting us to certain choices and when the spirit of the enemy or evil is luring us to reject God and God’s plans and desires for the world.
When this process was first introduced, this Week 6 coincided with Holy Week in the Western Church – the annual time to focus the prayer of the whole Church on Jesus Passion and Death.
Each day, you are invited to begin by gazing at first a crucifix – and seeing Jesus gazing upon us. What does his look communicate? Then as a second act of preparation look closely at a plain cross (without the corpus) and consider whether you, having experienced God’s love and forgiveness might be willing to be placed there to suffer for your brothers and sisters who also need to be saved. We begin the week by looking at three kinds of commitment to Christ’s love:
After the preparation of gazing enter into the scripture (choose one of the options) and meditate/pray with it. Be extra conscious of barriers to your prayer. Jot down when you note that you are sleepy or
annoyed by the expectation of prayer. Notice when you are distracted by phone calls, texts or other interruptions. What led you down a path of interruption? When did it happen in the text you are working with. Notice that an interruption leads you away from the prayer where an insight will lead you more deeply into the meaning of the prayer. How does your body feel when you are praying? Is your mind peaceful or disturbed? Do you find yourself fighting with yourself to pray? Finally, ask yourself whether the recommended desire you are praying for is really your hope or desire. Do you NOT want the gift suggested? Is it threatening, challenging etc.

All week ask for the graces to know what Jesus has done for you and for the grace to be his companion in assisting others who are suffering.
Day 1. Choose one of the following texts:
Matthew 26. 14 – 15
Mark 14. 10-11
Luke 22. 3 – 6
Or consider the text from the prophet Zachariah 11.10-13 Where we discover that the 30 pieces of silver are the price of a stabbed slave – and is a gross insult to God that it is the “value” of this servant of God.
Colloquy with Jesus
Day 2. Choose one of the following texts:
Matthew 26. 69 – 75
Mark 14.66 – 72
Luke 22.56 – 62
Colloquy with Peter
Day 3 – Repetition of text where you received the grace or where you discovered the most resistance.
Day 4. Choose one of the following texts:
Matthew 26.26 – 30
Mark 14. 22 – 25
Luke 22. 19 – 20
Or: 1 Corinthians 11. 22 – 25
John: 6. 32 – 40
Colloquy with Mary Magdalene or Jesus
Day 5 – choose one of the following texts:
John 19.25 – 30 or John 19. 31 – 37
Colloquy with Mary, Jesus’ Mother.
Day 6 – repetition of one of the texts of Days 4 and 5
Day 7 – Imagine yourself with Peter or Mary Magdalene or Mary or any of Jesus’ close friends the day after he died. Engage of colloquy with the one you imagined and ask how he or she dealt with their grief.