Ignatius' Examen (continued)
How are we invited?
Then the LORD said: Go out and stand on the mountain before the LORD; the LORD will pass by. There was a strong and violent wind rending the mountains and crushing rocks before the LORD—but the LORD was not in the wind; after the wind, an earthquake—but the LORD was not in the earthquake; after the earthquake, fire—but the LORD was not in the fire; after the fire a still, small voice. When he heard this, Elijah hid his face in his cloak and went out and stood at the entrance of the cave. 1 Kings 19:11-13
We are working toward deepening our personal discerning skills and learning how God invites us to know and follow the Divine Will and how the “enemy of the human person” seeks to pull, seduce, or coerce us away from God’s desire for our wholeness and happiness.
Ignatius’ insight, that the Church has blessed and used these last 500 years is based on a series of insights about how both of the pulls on the human heart, the human intelligence and the human will work in blatant and subtle ways to accomplish their ends on our behalf. We somewhat intuit these pulls but we are also led in other directions when we don’t learn to pay attention to our inner lives.

The Grace to encounter Jesus as Resurrected Lord in those around you.
The Grace you determined you need during your examens the day before
For Prayer time: Consider the Gospel of the day assigned by the Church. Note Jesus’ move toward the Ascension and ask if he has ascended in your heart to be the most important presence in your life. How do you know? How do you spend and for what purpose do you spend your time, your financial resources, your talent? How do you think of people around you? How do you treat those in your life?
On the fourth and seventh days spend your prayer time on a repetition of the place where you felt, discovered in thought, or determined to be closest to Jesus – or farthest away from Him.
In your examens call to mind your most recent prayer time – did a consolation surface? Attend to that moment with gratitude. Did you felt desolate (pulled away from God in feeling, thought or decision?) at any time? Focus on that and ask Jesus what he wants you to do with it? Be sure to end your examen with an expression of gratitude even if you don’t feel grateful.
In your conversations with Jesus or Mary at the end of prayer time and examen time what came to light?
Journal what is starting to come into focus for you and note where you are still confused or frustrated about the process. Ask your group leader to help if it is not working for you.
Share with your group the best moments of prayer this week and the worst. Listen to the others do the same. Does anything change in you after that sharing?