Walking Together
Why You Should Come With Us
You have a unique and powerful opportunity to support all people in North Omaha in becoming closer to each other and more successful in defining our shared future. The Historic North 24th Street Family of Parishes is working to discover our identity and purpose in this place and time. Praying with us will increase our ability to have conversations in the Spirit, Who will then lead us a wider, deeper, richer vision of who we are together, both spiritually and communally.

I have much more to tell you, but you cannot bear it now. But when he comes, the Spirit of truth, he will guide you to all truth. He will not speak on his own, but he will speak what he hears, and will declare to you the things that are coming. He will glorify me, because he will take from what is mine and declare it to you. Everything that the Father has is mine; for this reason I told you that he will take from what is mine and declare it to you.
John 16:12-15
Consider imitating God’s way of accompaniment.
In a recent essay, Cardinal Blaise Cupich says that having conversations in the Spirit “means paying attention to the spiritual movements in oneself and in the other person during the conversation, which requires being attentive to more than simply the words expressed. This quality of attention is an act of respecting, welcoming, and being hospitable to others as they are.... It is an approach that takes seriously what happens in the hearts of those who are conversing. There are two necessary attitudes that are fundamental to this process: active listening and speaking from the heart.”
Listen as Pope Francis invites participants in his homily October 10, 2021 to consider imitating God’s way of accompaniment.
"A certain rich man came up to Jesus “as he was setting out on his journey” (Mk 10:17). The Gospels frequently show us Jesus “on a journey”; he walks alongside people and listens to the questions and concerns lurking in their hearts. He shows us that God is not found in neat and orderly places, distant from reality, but walks ever at our side. He meets us where we are, on the often rocky roads of life…. [As] we begin this synodal process, let us begin by asking ourselves – all of us, Pope, bishops, priests, religious and laity – whether we, the Christian community, embody this “style” of God, who travels the paths of history and shares in the life of humanity. Are we prepared for the adventure of this journey? Or are we fearful of the unknown, preferring to take refuge in the usual excuses: “It’s useless” or “We’ve always done it this way”?
"[This celebration] means walking on the same road, walking together. Let us look at Jesus. First, he encounters the rich man on the road; he then listens to his questions, and finally he helps him discern what he must do to inherit eternal life. Encounter, listen and discern."
We invite you to commit to 15-30 minutes of personal prayer each day to grow closer to God who loves you and to pray for the success of this shared journey.